Why Join Speech & Debate?

Research demonstrates that forensics programs enhance communication skills, research skills, writing and organizational skills, critical thinking skills, increases student’s knowledge of the world and enhances the classroom experience. DVC's program will help you excel in all of these areas. When you join DVC Forensics, you join a core-group of students committed to public speaking & debate excellence. We think of ourselves as a smart, articulate, hard-working and involved members of the DVC community.

3 Reasons to Join Speech & Debate

1. Gain confidence

Public speaking is a critical skill for any career path, and there’s no better way to get comfortable with it than practice. Speech and debate gives students endless opportunities to practice their public speaking skills in classrooms.

2. Improve your academic standing.
Former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan argued that high school speech and debate was uniquely suited to build skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, and civic engagement. These skills are crucial for colleges and future employers, and countless studies have shown the impact of speech and debate education on high school standardized test scores, attendance, college admission rates, and more.

3. Use your voice to change the world.
Whether you’re telling a story through an interpretation event or advocating for an issue in debate, speech and debate gives you the opportunity to stand up and take a stand. Your voice is powerful — use it!